Sunday, September 13, 2009

Memories of Kevin

When I was 12 years old...I had 2 loves....Paul McCartney and Kevin Clark. They even resembled each other. Just a crush on friend's big brother....cute as could be and so nice and cooool...and oh, that smile! I used to wish I was older so just maybe he would look at me as more that Linda's skinny friend. In fact, all of the Clark boys were handsome... but there was just something special about Kevin...I'm convinced that my intense love and knowledge of music came from the days of the basement...listening to sounds that elevated me from the Monkees...opening my eyes and ears to so much more. I'll never forget Kevin and all of the great memories of those days in Oceanport... I'm still in touch with Linda and my heart broke for all of you when I learned the tragic news. He always seemed so immortal to me and I would have never expected to hear such sad news. He was certainly my first true love but he never knew it... I was too young and a geek. I remember how close everyone was and what he meant to the rest of you... One more thing that I recall is Kevin's love for his mom. He adored her and I remember what a good son he was. All of your wonderful memories will keep him alive in your hearts forever!



He's not dead
he's alive
Free Falling
Sky Diving
Bungee Jumping
Hang Gliding

Living Fully
perhaps for
the first time;
joy riding,
the real thing

Nobody telling
him how to live
what to do
just doing it
being it
soaking it up

not worried
about past or
living now,
owning this
his gut.
does he still
have one?
I think not

Body replaced

Friday, September 11, 2009

my bro

was the best brother
for as long as i could want
responded well to all
the calls
and knew me
like no other
i feel bereft
as a boat drifting
free of moorings
wanting only to see him
hug him
and tell him once again
that I love him

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Here's Kevin in
the Florida Keys
Our old vacation
spot - Goofing
with the muscle
moons ago,
when Kev was
a long-haired,
hippie dude ♥


Hey, anyone (friends or family) - I would love to have you share on this blog too. You don't have to, but it would be great to have some others post on this site. Don't be shy. You don't have to be a poet. You can just share a feeling or a memory, a picture. It's great to share with other people you can't really be with who also love Kevin. Being silent is okay too...just wondered if I could stir up a couple of additional authors...what about it...hmmmmm? XO

Just For The Record

Just for the record, I am receiving emotional floggings from being a part of this blog. I haven't written anything recently because I've been busy, but also, and probably more likely because often when I read and re-read the various posts and then write my own, I inevitably end up in the kitchen... A) accidentally hurting myself. Burning seems to be the most popular method currently... B) Having an emotional meltdown right on the kitchen floor, after said kitchen-pain is inflicted. Now, I really don't believe in accidents...I believe things happen for a reason. So, I deduce that the kitchen-pain happens so that I will be able to quickly and easily release the pent up sorrow & grief...and it's woooorrrking, people; it is definitely working.

It usually goes like this. I read and write on the blog. I go the make dinner in the kitchen. I turn on put pans on said burners. A little later, I pick up a hot pan lid with bare fingers...excellent...and burn myself. Next, anger flares...I throw said pan lid in the sink or on the floor, whichever is closer. Then, the anger is gone, replaced by the real emotion I'm feeling...sorrow. Then I cry from the depths of my soul. So, you could say, getting burned can be a good thing. I'm just sayin'....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

THE BIRD (2008)

You're the bird
most rare of
all the sightings
Tiny wings
along with Spring
I found you
and Winter brings
no sign of you
I search within
wandering through
Talk to you
feelings not withstanding
As I steal my way
through foggy gray
landmines seem to guide me
Landscapes of the Earth
Landscape universe.

G. Kevin Clark

Monday, August 24, 2009

Christmas Memory

I remember one Christmas, Kevin received a guitar for Christmas. I was commissioned to wrap it and what a job that proved to be. I didn't wrap it following the lines of the guitar case. That would have been too easy to guess. So, I used all the wrapping tricks I knew to disguise the guitar, using boxes and very large pieces of yule-patterned paper & ribbons. What a great surprise.

Years later, I remember receving a guitar myself as a gift; one of my very favorite ever. It was perfect. I can't remember if Russ tried to disguise it, but it had the desired effect either way...tears filled my eyes - it was unexpected and treasured.

I'm sure that boy is somewhere playing tunes on his guitar. I listen for them. :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Slow Suicide

When I heard they
found you in the street
I knew you wanted out...
slow suicide
I knew you had finally
given up
On yourself,
the world,
your life.
You lost everything
that society says
defines you
But when
you lost your license,
ability to 'fly'
and they
wanted to put
you in a cell
it was over.
no freedom,
no life,
no living.
You were gone.

People think the
alcohol did it,
but it was just
the instrument
of your
your weapon
of choice.

People don't
that it's our
that destroy us or...
save us.
Our interior,
our mind,
our emotions.
It's so hard
to slay a dragon
that lies within,
You must have
eyes that
look inward
instead of outward,
toward instead of
in order to see.
Most of us
are blind about
We're dying
every day
by believing
the lies
we've been told
about ourselves
instead of the truth
of who we are.
We become
We each have our
own story.
Your story ended,
I think, with
a case of

(I am so sorry you
didn't understand how
beautiful you were/are)

(You are probably
full of hope now, a light
radiating; warm & soft;
sweet & golden; loved
and loving. You are
certainly loved from
here )

Monday, August 17, 2009

Please add anything you want to say

A Memory, a thought, a picture, a feeling!


Love you!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Kevin and the getaway

Once upon a time there was a getaway
faraway in the tropics, where the water was warm, the sun shone all the time,
the shade of the coconut palms blocked out your worries and you were left alone
to do as you pleased...swim, scuba dive, fly in a seaplane, frolic with the dolphins,
get a tan, or simply stick your toes in the sand and wiggle them to ensure you
still experienced simple joy.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


It's surreal,
like you're still here
warm & alive,
right around the corner
or in the next state,
heart beating
charismatic smile
mischievous eyes
in St. Louis
or the Keys
playing hide
and seek.

You're hiding, but
I don't really
want to seek you
because I know
you can't be found,
not on this planet,
maybe in the ethers,
in Spirit.

Even though
I am sure there
is life after death,
that you are
partying with
the other family
I cry selfish tears
because I miss you,
your human-ness,
the flesh of you,
though I know
you are right
where you are
meant to be.

Even though I didn't
see you often,
I loved you always,
A grand canyon
heart of love.

You can't be gone
because I spoke
to you not that
long ago.
We laughed,
you were lucid
that time.

If I call your
cell, surely you'll
with some wise
guy remark
some soft
But, no you
won't pick up,
not because it's busy
because there's nobody

I love you

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My first memory of Kevin was one Christmas Eve in New Jersey. It was cold and snowy and we stayed in most of the day. It was starting to get dark and Kevin hadn't done his Christmas shopping yet.
Right before the drugstore across the street closed, he went in and bought amazing gifts for everyone, even me, who he just met. I remember being so surprised that he did all of his shopping in 15 minutes and got great stuff that everyone loved.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Good Times

Kevin at home chillin; Good times
That's lil Kelsey with Carol

Friday, August 7, 2009

Grease Monkeys

Kev & John,
hangin' in the hood,
okay, under the hood.
Greasemonkeys, figuring
out the problem,
engine geeks,
a little work, a little
a little laughter, a
little cursing,

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Photo Ham ; )

These were taken on a canoe trip the family took. Was this Iowa??? Kev on the right - famous pose!
On the left, yuckin' it up while he was row...row...rowing his boat gently
down the stream. ♥

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Final Companion

She was his last
constant companion
day in
day out
watching, touching,
She stayed until he
from the planet
as agonizing as
that was,
making sure he
had what he needed,
words, company,
someone to hold
his hand,
the last bits of
his life,
precious time,
painful time.
thank you, Kerry
he does too.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Who, Me?

I remember
that "Who, Me?" look;
that so guilty
but professing
innoncence look.
He had it
He'd throw his
hands up & out to
the side
with this
that face;
eyebrows raised,
question marks
for eyes
Yeah, he was
kind of a
king when it
came to things
like this.''

♥ I miss it ♥

Friday, July 31, 2009

couldn't be closer

there was a time
when we couldn't be closer
like salt and pepper
we were shakers
we moved
as one
it was what
saved me
when I

Kevin was cool

my brother
was my idea of "cool"
he handled the shit that happened

there was the time
must've been his 17th

talked him into stopping by
the Waterman house to grab

I suggested he come with me
he did

as we walked into my room
there was an explosion
all our friends
couldn't have been happier
to celebrate Kevin

Kevin, RANAWAY into Dad's
by the attention

it was that day
i decided against
surprise birthdays

turned out
to be a great time
for us all.

live love work play

you live
you love
you work
you play

on some day
you wonder

you ponder

the meaning of it all

how to stay
with what really matters

how to accept

of the once so alive
what to do
with it all?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Siblings, family,
posing for the portrait
looking so cute
what was interesting
enough to hold our
little gazes?
Some photographer
flashing a light
bouncing a toy
Kev, what happened to
your innocence?
Sorry it was stolen
It's hard to live without
isn't it?
It's the place holder
for wonder and hope
unfettered glee
maybe now you dance
and sing without a thought
of who is watching.

♥ I love you!!! ♥

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

3 recently "lost" loved ones; Have probably now found one another


One minute I think of you
I'm fine
Next minute I think of you
I'm broken
Time heals all wounds
but the going is tough
emotional wounds
open, oozing grief
something neosporin
won't cure
your spirit is free
my spirit is bound
One minute I'm angry
Next minute I'm sobs
I've been here and
done this
passing of a loved one
it doesn't make it easier
it is familiar
it is not fun is
what it is
so be it.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Sweetest Remembrance

No matter what the distance
No matter how long
No matter how we changed
It was...No matter

The sweetest remembrance
Is our love for each other
heart touching heart

a bond unbroken...
No matter what


Nice having an older brother
bringing his friends around
boyfriend material
great for younger sis

First guy I liked
from his group
well, not so great

Then his band
the Caribees
wearing black
Nehru jackets

Introduced me to
my first real
boyfriend, not just
hanging out,
but real dates
where we, then, had
to be escorted by
parents to movies

Then, in the Carleton
making out in the
those were the days
my friend

Photo history - Kevin

When I REALLY needed someone

there was a time
at a particularly low point in my life
where I REALLY needed someone
I had gone off to my annual conference
at Asilomar in Monterey
the conference had gone well
I couldn't wait to get home to see my boys
and Lynda
when I did arrive
after a couple hour drive
the place was empty
only a note
"I need space"
she had taken Stevie and Johnnie
with her, no notice
no discussion
it was bad
Dad was there for me
and Kevin was too

After couple months had transpired
Lynda had (again without notice)
filed for sole custody in N.Y.
**freak out**
no way I could live my days
without Stevie and Johnnie
so I asked my friend Tony
if he could help
he refused
I couldn't think of anyone
else that I could ask
except the one who had been there
for me
more than anyone in my life
I asked Kevin
he really didn't want to
get involved
like Tony
but unlike Tony he did
he left his life
came with me
to N.Y.
I had to let Lynda know
I was suing for custody in CA
but I couldn't tell her myself
Kevin stood tall
he was everything a brother
and a best friend could ever be

he was a lover
he was a fighter
he was a midnight rider.

so sorry I couldn't be there
for his last great ride.


yo bro


another road trip
must've been 1977
from So Jersey with two babes
meeting at a Turnpike
restaurant in MD or DEL
switching up
must have forgot the tickets
to the Allman Bros. concert
back to my place in Bethesda
police were involved
Kevin got away
as I took the heat
tanother hen the dude through a brick
at our car window
tickets and off
too much traffic
an accident
across the median
through the crowd
music in the air
for hours
car breakin
lost car keys
and wallet
lucky to get a ride home
vomit in the car
another police person
Kev gets away
as I take the heat
I think it was 10 red lights
at 2 am
somehow we got the car back
only our
not our

Cross Country

once, must have been 1971,
Kev drove from N.J. to S.F.
for a visit
unscheduled stop in Oklahoma
for a new engine
still made it
for the party
that happened
when we got

Hey Joe!

Hey Joe, jeet?
No, joo?
let's squeat

Saturday, July 25, 2009

scream for ice cream

the Ice Cream Man!
Mom! Mom! the Ice Cream Man!
ok get Mom the Drumstick
I get a Creamsicle
and a Fugsicle for Kevin!
Strawberry Shortcake for Lin!

Friday, July 24, 2009


so Kevin and I spent hours waiting
for rides

Mom had to drive miles
to bring us to the Church
where the dance was

long after the first
kisses and goodbyes

we were playing
as we always did
messing around

I shoved a grocery cart
at Kevin
he caught it
spun it around and shoved it back at me
I ole'd it
and the cart went on by
smashing the front door
of the Safeway
taking it down

we had some bad luck as kids
the police car was driving by
they thought we should go with them
i think they were overly serious
talkig about charging us
with breaking and entering
robbery, etc.

somehow Mom caught up with us
at the station
and nervous
about her boys
must've been 1 am by then
poor Mom

but Kevin and I
were lucky
to have her

just another anecdote
of two brothers
who loved
who played
who gambled


there was the night
we took the car
that we usually "borrowed"
drove to Highlands
to see the girls
ran it into a big ditch
Kevin & I panicked
eventually rocked the car
outta the ditch
got it to its home
no one ever knew

Short Cut Home

smile with beams
of love
around the edges
of masculinity
silliness of child
in every cell
of being

you lost yourself
you were never
the expectations
did not
the short cut
rings allowed


the saddest thing
is a wasted life
a path not taken
an angel fallen
I only ever knew Kevin with Jeff.
What I remember most is:

When Kevin came there was a lightness to the air in the house.
There was excitement and joy at the mere talk of his coming.
He lifted the hearts of his family.
There was lots of silliness!

The sparkle in Jeff's eyes was so much brighter when Kevin was there.
They often spoke to each other without words, just using their eyes. (something that annoyed and frustrated me at the time!!)
They were so proud of one another!
They laughed hard and often together...the deep belly laugh of old friends.

My heart is full of the memories and of pain for all his family.
I am deeply saddened and sorry for the loss of Kevin.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kevin Clark born 4-13-52 died 7-22-09

my best friend ever
the one who was there for me
when no one else was
wishin he would've let me
be there that was for him

such a big heart

he cared
and was eaten up
for it

i love my brother
always have
always will

wish it could've
worked out

I will always feel him
with me

